S. Wang, J. Sigl, L. Allmendinger, V. Maurizot, I. Huc*
Design of an abiotic unimolecular three-helix bundle
Supporting Information
Simultaneous formation of a foldamer and a self-replicator by out - of - equilibrium dynamic covalent chemistry
Supporting Information
- Y. Jin*, P. K. Mandal, J. Wu, A. Kiani, R. Zhao, I. Huc*, S. Otto*
Light-mediated interconversion between a foldamer and a self- replicator
Supporting Information
S. Kwon, V. Morozov, L. Wang, P. K. Mandal, S. Chaignepain, C. Douat, I. Huc*
Interrogating the potential of helical aromatic foldamers for protein recognition†
Supporting Information
- K. Lulic, J. Wang, X. Li, N. Markandeya, I. Huc*, V. Maurizot*, J. Duhamel*
Probing the closed association of oligoquinoline foldamers by time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy
Supporting Information
K. Aftahy, P. Arrasate, P. V. Bashkirov, P. I. Kuzmin, V. Maurizot, I. Huc,* V. A. Frolov*
Molecular sensing and manipulation of protein oligomerization in membrane nanotubes with bolaamphiphilic foldamers
Supporting Information
S. Dengler, R. T. Howard, V. Morozov, C. Tsiamantas, W. Huang, Z. Liu, C. Dobrzanski, V. Pophristic,
S. Brameyer, C. Douat, H. Suga*, I. Huc*
Display selection of a hybrid foldamer–peptide macrocycle
Supporting Information
B. Teng, P. K. Mandal, L. Allmendinger, C. Douat, Y. Ferrand, I. Huc*
Controlling aromatic helix dimerization in water by tuning charge repulsions
Supporting Information
Y. Zhang, B. Ourri, P.-T. Skowron, E. Jeamet, T. Chetot, C. Duchamp, A. M. Belenguer, N. Vanthuyne, O. Cala, E. Dumont, P. K. Mandal, I. Huc, F. Perret, L. Vial*, J. Leclaire*
Self-assembly of achiral building blocks into chiral cyclophanes using non-directional interactions
Supporting Information
Y. Zhong, T.A. Sobiech, B. Kauffmann, B. Song, X. Li, Y. Ferrand, I. Huc, B. Gong*
High-affinity single and double helical pseudofoldaxanes with cationic guests
Supporting Information
V. Corvaglia, F. Sanchez, F. S. Menke, C. Douat, I. Huc*
Optimization and automation of helical aromatic oligoamide foldamer solid-phase synthesis
Supporting Information
B. Teng, J. Atcher, L. Allmendinger, C. Douat, Y. Ferrand, I. Huc *
Combining local conformational preferences and solvophobic effects in helical aromatic oligoamide foldamers
Supporting Information
S. Dengler, C. Douat, I. Huc*
Differential peptide multi-macrocyclizations at the surface of a helical foldamer template
Supporting Information
M. Zwillinger, L. Fischer, G. Sályi, S. Szabó, M. Csékei, I. Huc*, A. Kotschy*
Isotope ratio encoding of sequence-defined oligomers
Supporting Information
D. Meier, B. Schoof, J. Wang, X. Li, A. Walz, A. Huettig, H. Schlichting, F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, V. Maurizot, J. Reichert, A. C. Papageorgiou*, I. Huc*, J. V. Barth
Structural adaptations of electrosprayed aromatic oligoamide foldamers on Ag(111)
Supporting Information
V. Koehler, M. Gauthier, C. Yao, K. Fournel-Marotte, P. Waele`s, B. Kauffmann, I. Huc, F. Coutrot*, Y. Ferrand*
[3]Foldarotaxane-mediated synthesis of an improbable [2]rotaxane
Supporting Information
V. Koehler, A. Roy, I. Huc,*, Y. Ferrand*
Foldaxanes: Rotaxane-like architectures from foldamers
T. A. Sobiech, Y. Zhong, L. S. Sanchez B., B. Kauffmann, J. K. McGrath, C. Scalzo, D. P. Miller, I. Huc, E. Zurek, Y. Ferrand, B. Gong*
Stable pseudo[3]rotaxanes with strong positive binding cooperativity based on shape-persistent aromatic oligoamide macrocycles
Supporting Information
V. Corvaglia, I. A. M. Amar, V. Garambois, S. Letast, A. Garcin, C. Gongora, M. D. Rio, C. D-Sabourin, N. Joubert, I. Huc, P. Pourquier*
Internalization of foldamer-based DNA mimics through a site-specific antibody conjugate to target HER2-positive cancer cells
Supporting Information
F. Devaux, X. Li, D. Sluysmans, F. Zerbetto, V. Maurizot, E. Bakalis, I. Huc*, A.-S. Duwez*
Single-molecule mechanics of synthetic aromatic amide helices: Ultrafast and robust non-dissipative winding
Supporting Information
P. Mateus, A. Jacquet, A. Mendez-Ardoy, A. Boulloy, B. Kauffmann, G. Pecastaings, T. Buffeteau, Y. Ferrand, D. M. Bassani*, I. Huc*
Sensing a binding event through charge transport variations using an aromatic oligoamide capsule
Supporting Information
M. Zwillinger, P. Sai Reddy , B. Wicher, P. K. Mandal, M. Csékei, L. Fischer, A. Kotschy, I. Huc*
Aromatic foldamer helices as α-helix extended surface mimetics
Supporting Information
C. G. Pappas , P. K. Mandal , B. Liu, B. Kauffmann , X. Miao, D. Komáromy , W. Hoffmann , C. Manz, R. Chang, K. Liu , K. Pagel , I. Huc *, S. Otto*
Emergence of low-symmetry foldamers from single monomers
Supporting Information
Supplementary movie #1 Supplementary movie #2
Supplementary data #1
4b_ccdc1942977 4d_ccdc1999456
Y. Zhohong , B. Kauffmann, W. Xu, Z. L. Lu, Y. Ferrand, I. Huc, X. C. Zeng, R. Liu*, B. Gong*
Multiturn hollow helices: Synthesis and folding of long aromatic oligoamides
Supporting Information
P. Mateus, N. Chandramouli, C. D. Mackereth, B. Kauffmann, Y. Ferrand,* I. Huc*
Allosteric recognition of homomeric and heteromeric pairs of monosaccharides by a foldamer capsule
Supporting Information
C. Tsiamantas, S. Kwon, J. M. Rogers, C. Douat, I. Huc,* H. Suga*
Ribosomal incorporation of aromatic oligoamides as peptide sidechain appendages
Supporting Information
H. Little, J. Wang, J. Duhamel,* X. Li, N. Markandeya, V. Maurizot,* I. Huc*
Simplification in the acquisition and analysis of fluorescence decays acquired with polarized emission for time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy measurements
Supporting Information
D. Mazzier, S. De, B. Wicher, V. Maurizot, I. Huc*
Parallel homochiral and anti-parallel heterochiral hydrogen- bonding interfaces in multi-helical abiotic foldamers
Supporting Information
J. M. Alex, V. Corvaglia, X. Hu, S. Engilberge, I. Huc *, P. B. Crowley *
Crystal structure of a protein–aromatic foldamer composite: macromolecular chiral resolution
Supporting Information
J. Wang, H. Little, J. Duhamel*, X. Li, N. Markandeya, V. Maurizot,* I. Huc*
Application of time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy to probe quinoline-based foldamers labeled with oligo(phenylene vinylene)
Supporting Information
S. R. Post, B. Langlois d'Estaintot, T. Granier, C. D. Mackereth, L. Fischer, I. Huc*
Structure elucidation of helical aromatic foldamer–protein complexes with large contact surface areas
Supporting Information
D. Mazzier, S. De, B. Wicher, V. Maurizot, I. Huc*
Interplay of secondary and tertiary folding in abiotic foldamers
Supporting Information
V. Corvaglia, D. Carbajo, P. Prabhakaran, K. Ziach, P.K. Mandal, V. Dos Santos, C. Legeay, R. Vogel, V. Parissi, P. Pourquier, I. Huc*
Carboxylate-functionalized foldamer inhibitors of HIV-1 integrase and Topoisomerase 1: artificial analogues of DNA mimic proteins
Supporting Information
4_CCDC_1527431.cif Fmoc(mQPho)_CCDC_1474392 .cif
C. Tsiamantas, S. Kwon, C. Douat, I. Huc*, H. Suga*
Optimizing aromatic oligoamide foldamer side-chains for ribosomal translation initiation
Supporting Information
M. Vallade, M. Jewginski, L. Fischer, J. Buratto, K. Bathany,
J.-M. Schmitter, M. Stupfel, F. Godde, C. D. Mackereth, I. Huc*
Assessing interactions between helical aromatic oligoamide foldamers and protein surfaces: a tethering approach
Supporting Information
E. Jeamet, J. Septavaux, A. Heloin, M. Donnier-Maechal, M. Dumartin, B. Ourri, P. Mandal, I. Huc, E. Bignon, E. Dumont*, C. Morell, J.-P. Francoia, F. Perret, L. Vial*, J. Leclaire*
Wetting the lock and key enthalpically favours polyelectrolyte binding
Supporting Information
CCDC 1554746
M. Vallade, P. Sai Reddy, L. Fischer, I. Huc*
Enhancing aromatic foldamer helix dynamics to probe interactions with protein surface
Supporting Information
K. Urushibara, Y. Ferrand, Z. Liu, H. Masu, V. Pophristic, A. Tanatani*, I. Huc*
Frustrated helicity: joining the diverging ends of a stable aromatic amide helix to form a fluxional macrocycle
K. Ziach, C. Chollet, V. Parissi, P. Prabhakaran, M. Marchivie, V. Corvaglia, P. P. Bose, K. Laxmi-Reddy, F. Godde, J.-M. Schmitter, S. Chaignepain, P. Pourquier, I. Huc*
Single helically folded aromatic oligoamides that mimic the charge surface of double-stranded B-DNA
Supporting Information
Boc(mQQ4)8OBn_CCDC 1059495 Boc(mQQ4)8OTMSE_CCDC 1059497
Boc(mQQ4)16OBn_CCDC 1059493 Boc(mQQ5)4OBn CIF_CCDC 1059496
Life Sciences Reporting Summary Supplementary Video 1
Designing helical molecular capsules based on folded aromatic amide oligomers
A. Lamouroux, L. Sebaoun, B. Wicher, B. Kauffmann, Y. Ferrand, V. Maurizot, I. Huc*
Controlling dipole orientation through curvature: aromatic foldamer bent β-sheets and helix–sheet–helix architectures
Supporting Information
2 4 6 7 8
A. Mendez-Ardoy, N. Markandeya, X. Li, Y-T. Tsai, G. Pecastaings, T. Buffeteau, V. Maurizot, L. Muccioli, F. Castet, I. Huc*, D. M. Bassani*
Multi-dimensional charge transport in supramolecular helical foldamer assemblies
Supporting Information
M. Jewginski, T. Granier, B. Langlois d’Estaintot, L. Fischer, C. D. Mackereth, I. Huc*
Self-assembled protein-aromatic foldamer complexes with 2:3 and 2:2:1 stoichiometries
Supporting Information
5L3O 5L6K 5LVS
Z. Liu, X. Hu, A. M. Abramyan, A. Meszaros, M. Csekei, A. Kotschy, I. Huc*, V. Pophristic*
Computational prediction and rationalization, and experimental validation of handedness induction in helical aromatic oligoamide foldamers
Supporting Informations
P. K. Mandal, B. Baptiste, B. Langlois d’Estaintot, B. Kauffmann, I. Huc*
Multivalent interactions between an aromatic helical foldamer and a DNA G-Quadruplex in the solid state
Supporting Information
X. Li, N. Markandeya, G. Jonusauskas, N. D. McClenaghan, V. Maurizot, S. A. Denisov*, I. Huc*
Photoinduced electron transfer and hole migration in nanosized helical aromatic oligoamide foldamers
Supporting Information and CIF file
S.J. Dawson, X. Hu, S. Claerhout, I. Huc*
Solid phase synthesis of helically folded aromatic oligoamides
P. K. Mandal, B. Kauffmann, H. Destecroix, Y. Ferrand,
A. P. Davis*, I. Huc*
Crystal structure of a complex between b-glucopyranose and a macrocyclic receptor with dendritic multicharged water solubilizing chains
Supporting Information
M. Jewginski, L. Fischer, C. Colombo, I. Huc*, C. D. Mackereth*
Solution observation of dimerization and helix handedness induction in a human carbonic anhydrase–helical aromatic amide foldamer complex
Supporting Information
Cover picture
H. Noguchi, M. Takafuji, V. Maurizot, I. Huc*, H. Ihara*
Chiral separation by a terminal chirality triggered P-helical quinolineoligoamide foldamer
Supporting Information
C. Tsiamantas, S. J. Dawson, I. Huc*
Solid phase synthesis of oligoethylene glycol-functionalized quinolinecarboxamide foldamers with enhanced solubility properties
Supporting Information
Monomer 4
N. Chandramouli, M. F. El-Behairy, G. Lautrette, Y. Ferrand*, I. Huc*
Polar solvent effects on tartaric acid binding by aromatic oligoamide foldamer capsules
Supporting Information
S. A. Denisov, Q. Gan, X. Wang, L. Scarpantonio, Y. Ferrand,*
B. Kauffmann, G. Jonusauskas, I. Huc, N. D. McClenaghan*
Electronic energy transfer modulation in a dynamic foldaxane: proof-of-principle of a lifetime-based conformation probe
Supporting Information
X. Hu, S. J. Dawson, Y. Nagaoka, A. Tanatani, I. Huc*
Solid-phase synthesis of water-soluble helically folded hybrid α-amino acid/quinoline oligoamides
Supporting Information
S. Müller, K. Laxmi-Reddy, P. V. Jena, B. Baptiste, Z. Dong, F. Godde, T. Ha, R. Rodriguez,
S. Balasubramanian, I. Huc*
Targeting DNA G-quadruplexes with helical small molecules
Supporting Information
J. Shang, Q. Gan, S. J. Dawson, F. Rosu, H. Jiang, Y. Ferrand*, I. Huc*
Self-association of aromatic oligoamide foldamers into double helices in water
Supporting Information
S. J. Dawson, Á. Mészáros, L. Petho, C. Colombo, M. Csékei, A. Kotschy,* I. Huc*
Controlling helix handedness in water-soluble quinoline oligoamide foldamers
Supporting Information
Cover picture
G. Lautrette, C. Aube, Y. Ferrand, M. Pipelier, V. Blot, C. Thobie, B. Kauffmann, D. Dubreuil*, I. Huc*
Tuning the guest-binding ability of a helically folded capsule by in situ modification of the aromatic oligoamide backbone
Supporting Information
J. Buratto, C. Colombo, M. Stupfel, S. J. Dawson, C. Dolain, B. Langlois d'Estaintot, L. Fischer, T. Granier, M. Laguerre, B. Gallois*, I. Huc*
Structure of a complex formed by a protein and a helical aromatic oligoamide foldamer at 2.1 A resolution
supporting information
HCA-2 complex (4MTY)
HCA-5 complex (4LP6)
G.Lautrette, B. Kauffmann, Y. Ferrand, C. Aube, N. Chandramouli, D. Dubreuil, I.Huc*
Structure elucidation of host-guest complexes of tartaric and malic acids by quasi-racemic crystallography
Supporting Information
Q. Gan, Y. Ferrand, N. Chandramouli, B. Kauffmann, C. Aube, D. Dubreuil, I. Huc*
Identification of a foldaxane kinetic byproduct during guest- induced single to double helix conversion
Supporting Information
Double Helix Complex
M. Shravani, S. Balaiah, K. Srinivas*, K. Bhanuprakash, I. Huc*
Unusual regioselective electrophilic substitutions in quinoline foldamers: Conceptual DFT and frontier molecular orbital analysis reveal the crucial role of folding and substituents
Supporting Information
T. Qi, V. Maurizot, H. Noguchi, T. Charoenraks, B. Kauffmann, M. Takafuji, H. Ihara, I. Huc*
Solvent dependence of helix stability in aromatic oligoamide foldamers
Supporting Information
Cover picture
N. Delsuc, L. Poniman, J.-M. Léger, I. Huc*
Assessing the folding propensity of aliphatic units within helical aromatic oligoamide foldamers
oligomer 1 oligomer 2 oligomer 3
J.-F. Sanchez, B. Kauffmann, A. Grélard, C. Sanchez, V. Trézéguet, I. Huc, G. J.-M. Lauquin*
Unambiguous structure of atractyloside and carboxyatractyloside
Support Infromation
L. Delaurière, Z. Dong, K. Laxmi-Reddy, F. Godde, J.-J. Toulmé*, I. Huc*
Deciphering aromatic oligoamide foldamer–DNA interactions
Supporting Information
Y. Ferrand, Q. Gan, B. Kauffmann, H. Jiang,* I. Huc*
Template-induced screw motions within an aromatic amide foldamer double helix
Supporting Information
G. Guichard*, I. Huc*
Synthetic foldamers
Q. Gan, Y. Ferrand, C. Bao, B. Kauffmann, A. Grélard, H. Jiang*, I. Huc*
Helix-rod host-guest complexes with shuttling rates much faster than disassembly
Supporting Information
Science 2011, 331, 1172 Science 2011, 331, 1172 Science 2011, 331, 1172 Science 2011, 331, 1172 Science 2011, 331, 1172 Science 2011, 331, 1172
N. Delsuc, S. Massip, J.-M. Léger, B. Kauffmann, I. Huc*
Relative helix-helix conformations in branched aromatic oligoamide foldamers
Supporting Information
1 2 3
B. Baptiste, C. Douat-Casassus, K. Laxmi-Reddy, F. Godde, I. Huc*
Solid phase synthesis of aromatic oligoamides: application to helical water-soluble foldamers
Supporting Information
J. Iriondo-Alberdi, K. Laxmi-Reddy, B. Bouguerne, C. Staedel, I. Huc*
Cellular internalization of water-soluble helical aromatic amide foldamers
Supporting Information
A. Tabachnik-Rebillon, C. Aubé, H. Bakkali, T. Delaunay, G. Thia Manh, V. Blot, C. Thobie-Gautier, E. Renault, A. Planchat, J.-Y. Le Questel, B. Kauffmann, Y. Ferrand, I. Huc, K. Urgin, S. Condon, E. Léonel, M. Evain, J. Lebreton, D. Jacquemin, M. Pipelier, D. Dubreuil*
Electrochemical synthesis and characterisation of alternating tripyridyl–dipyrrole molecular strands with multiple nitrogen-based donor–acceptor binding sites
Supporting Information
Y. Ferrand, A. M. Kendhale, B. Kauffmann, A. Grélard, C. Marie, V. Blot, M. Pipelier, D. Dubreuil, I. Huc*
Diastereoselective encapsulation of tartaric acid by a helical aromatic oligoamide
Supporting Information
1 - D/L-tartaric acid
B. Baptiste, Jiang Zhu, D. Haldar, B. Kauffmann, J.-M. Léger, I. Huc*
Hybridization of long pyridine-dicarboxamide oligomers into multi-turn double helices: slow strand association and dissociation, solvent dependence, and solid state structures Chem. Asian J. 2010, 5, 1364
Supporting Information
Y. Ferrand, A. M. Kendhale, J. Garric, B. Kauffmann, I. Huc*
Parallel and antiparallel triple Helices of naphthyridine oligoamides
Supporting Information
P. V. Jena, P. S. Shirude, B. Okumus, K. Laxmi-Reddy, F. Godde, I. Huc, S. Balasubramanian, T. Ha*
G-Quadruplex DNA bound by a synthetic ligand is highly dynamic
Supporting Information
A. Brizard, D. Berthier, C. Aimé, T. Buffeteau, D. Cavagnat, L. Ducasse, I. Huc, R. Oda*
Molecular and supramolecular chirality in gemini-tartrate amphiphiles studied by electronic and vibrational circular dichroisms
Supporting information
B. Baptiste, F. Godde, I. Huc*
How can folded biopolymers and synthetic foldamers recognize each Other?
V. E. Campbell, X. de Hatten, N. Delsuc, B. Kauffmann, I. Huc*, J. R. Nitschke*
Interplay of interactions governing the dynamic conversions of acyclic and macrocyclic helicates
Supporting Information
M. Wolffs, N. Delsuc, D. Veldman, N. Vân Anh, R. M. Williams, S. C. J. Meskers, R. A. J. Janssen, I. Huc*, A. P. H. J. Schenning*
Helical aromatic oligoamide foldamers as organizational scaffolds for photoinduced charge transfer
Supporting Information
C. Aimé, B. Plet, S. Manet, J.-M. Schmitter, I. Huc, R. Oda*, R. R. Sauers*, L. S. Romsted*
Competing gas-phase substitution and elimination reactions of gemini surfactants with anionic counterions by mass spectrometry. Density functional theory correlations with their bolaform halide salt models
Supporting Information
R. Oda*, F. Artzner*, M. Laguerre, I. Huc
Molecular structure of self-assembled chiral nano-ribbons and nano-tubules revealed in the hydrated state
Supporting Information
K. Srinivas, B. Kauffmann, C. Dolain, J.-M. Léger, L. Ghosez*, I. Huc*
Remote substituent effects and regioselective enhancement of electrophilic substitutions in helical aromatic oligoamides
Supporting Information
2 4 6 7 9 17 33
N. Delsuc, T. Kawanami, J. Lefeuvre, A. Shundo, H. Ihara, M. Takafuji*, I. Huc*
Kinetics of helix handedness inversion: folding and unfolding in aromatic amide oligomers
Supporting Information
T. Delclos, C. Aime, E. Pouget, A. Brizard, I. Huc, M.-H. Delville*, R. Oda*
Individualized silica nanohelices and nanotubes: tuning inorganic nanostructures using lipidic self-assemblies
Supporting Information
E. Berni, C. Dolain, B. Kauffmann, J.-M. Léger, C. Zhan, I. Huc*
Expanding the registry of aromatic amide foldamers: folding, photochemistry and assembly using diaza-anthracene units
Supporting Information
2 3a 4a 6 7 10 11
P. S. Shirude, E. R. Gillies, S. Ladame, F. Godde, K. Shin-ya, I. Huc*, S. Balasubramanian*
Macrocyclic and helical oligoamides as a new class of G-quadruplex ligand
Supporting Information
N. Delsuc, F. Godde, B. Kauffmann, J.-M. Léger, I. Huc*
The herringbone helix: a noncanonical folding in aromatic-aliphatic peptides
Supporting Information
X. de Hatten, Z. Cournia, I. Huc, J. Smith, N. Metzler-Nolte*
Force-field development and molecular dynamics simulations of ferrocene-peptide conjugates as a scaffold for hydrogenase mimics
Supporting Information
E. Gillies, F. Deiss, C. Staedel, J.-M. Schmitter, I. Huc*
Development and biological assessment of fully water-soluble helical aromatic amide foldamers
Supporting Information
D. Haldar, H. Jiang, J.-M. Léger, I. Huc*
Double versus single helical structures of oligopyridine-dicarboxamide strands. Part 2: the role of side-chains
(2)2 (3)2
L. Ducasse,* F. Castet, A. Fritsch, I. Huc, T. Buffeteau
DFT calculations and vibrational circular dichroism of aromatic foldamers
Supporting Information
A. Brizard, C. Aimé, T. Labrot, I. Huc, D. Berthier, F. Artzner, B. Desbat, R. Oda*
Counterion, temperature, and time modulation of nanometric chiral ribbons from gemini-tartrate amphiphiles
T. Buffeteau, L. Ducasse, L. Poniman, N. Delsuc, I. Huc*
Vibrational circular dichroism and ab initio structure elucidation of an aromatic foldamer
Supporting Information
A. Brizard, C. Dolain, I. Huc, R. Oda*
Asp-Gly based peptides confined at the surface of cationic gemini surfactant aggregates
A. Brizard, R. Oda*, I. Huc*
Chirality effects in self-assembled fibrillar networks
C. Dolain, C. Zhan, J.-M. Léger, L. Daniels, I. Huc*
Folding directed N-oxidation of oligopyridine-dicarboxamide strands and hybridization of oxidized oligomers
Supporting Information
V. Maurizot, C. Dolain, I. Huc*
Intramolecular vs. intermolecular induction of helical handedness in pyridinedicarboxamide oligomers
dimer 2a
H. Jiang, V. Maurizot, I. Huc*
Double versus single helical structures of oligopyridine-dicarboxamide strands. Part 1: effect of oligomer length
. Maurizot, C. Dolain, Y. Leydet, J.-M. Léger, P. Guionneau, I. Huc*
Design of an inversion center between two Helical Segments
H. Jiang, J.-M. Léger, P. Guionneau, I. Huc*
Strained aromatic oligoamide macrocycles as new molecular clips
T. Buffeteau*, L. Ducasse, A. Brizard, I. Huc, R. Oda
Density functional theory calculations of vibrational absorption and circular dichroism spectra of dimethyl-L-tartrate
F. J. Romero*, C. Jiménez, I. Huc, R. Oda
Room temperature synthesis of ordered porous silicas templated by symmetric and dissymmetric gemini surfactants [CnH2n+1N(CH3)2(CH2)2(CH3)2NCmH2m+1]Br2
V. Maurizot, J.-M. Léger, P. Guionneau, I. Huc*
Variety of interstrand pi-pi stacking motifs in double helices of pyridinedicarboxamide oligomers
V. Maurizot, G. Linti, I. Huc*
Solid state characterization of oligopyridine dicarboxamide helicates
H. Jiang, C. Dolain, J.-M. Léger, H. Gornitzka, I. Huc*
Switching of chiral induction in helical aromatic oligoamides using solid state-solution state equilibrium
I. Huc*
Aromatic oligoamide foldamers
H. Jiang, J.-M. Léger, C. Dolain, P. Guionneau, I. Huc*
Aromatic delta-peptides: design, synthesis, and structural studies of helical, quinoline-derived oligoamide foldamers
C. Dolain, V. Maurizot, I. Huc*
Protonation-induced transition between two distinct helical conformations of a synthetic oligomer via a linear intermediate
H. Jiang, J.-M. Léger, I. Huc*
Aromatic delta-peptides
R. Nguyen, I. Huc*
Optimising the reversibility of hydrazone formation for dynamic combinatorial chemistry
J. Garric, J.-M. Léger, A. Grelard, M. Ohkita, I. Huc*
Solid state and solution conformation of 2-pyridinecarboxylic acid hydrazides: a new structural motif for foldamer
D. Berthier, T. Buffeteau, J.-M. Léger, R. Oda*, I. Huc*
From chiral counter-ions to twisted membranes
R. Oda*, M. Laguerre, I. Huc, B. Desbat
Molecular organization of gemini surfactants in cylindrical micelles: an infrared dichroism spectroscopy and molecular dynamics study
K. Sugiyasu, S.-I. Tamaru, M. Takeuchi, D. Berthier, I. Huc, R. Oda, S. Shinkai*
Double helical silica fibrils by sol-gel transcription of chiral aggregates of gemini surfactants
I. Huc*, V. Maurizot, H. Gornitzka, J.-M. Léger
Hydroxy-substituted oligopyridine-dicarboxamide helical foldamers
V. Berl, I. Huc*, R. Khoury, J.-M. Lehn*
Helical Molecular programming. Supramolecular double helices by dimerization of helical oligopyridine-dicarboxamide strands
R. Nguyen, I. Huc*
Using an enzyme's active site to template inhibitors
V. Berl, I. Huc*, R. Khoury, J.-M. Lehn*
Helical molecular programming. Folding of oligopyridine-dicarboxamides into molecular single helices
I. Huc*, R. Nguyen
Dynamic combinatorial chemistry
R. Oda*, I. Huc*, D. Danino, Y. Talmon
Aggregation properties and mixing behavior of hydrocarbon, fluorocarbon and hybrid hydrocarbon-fluorocarbon cationic dimeric surfactants
V. Berl, I. Huc*, R. Khoury, M. J. Krische & J.-M. Lehn*
Interconversion of single and double helices formed from synthetic molecular strands
I. Huc*, J.-M. Lehn*
Chimie combinatoire et chimie supramoléculaire
V. Berl, M. J. Krische, I. Huc, J.-M. Lehn*, M. Schmutz
Template-induced and molecular recognition-directed hierarchical generation of supramolecular assemblies from molecular strands
R. Oda*, I. Huc*, M. Schmutz, S. J. Candau, F. C. MacKintosh
Tuning bilayer twist using chiral counter-ions
I. Huc*, R. Oda
Gemini surfactants : studying micellisation by 19F and 1H NMR
V. Berl, I. Huc, J.-M. Lehn*
Induced fit selection of a barbiturate receptor from a dynamic configurational/conformational library
I. Huc, M. J. Krische, D. P. Funeriu, J.-M. Lehn*
Dynamic combinatorial chemistry: using H-bonding to direct mixtures of bipyridine-metal complexes
R. Oda*, I. Huc, J.-C. Homo, B. Heinrich, M. Schmutz, S. Candau
Elongated aggregates formed by cationic gemini surfactant
R. Oda, I. Huc*, S. J. Candau
Gemini surfactants as new low molecular weight gelators of organic solvents and water
A. Lopinet-Serani, F. Charbonier*, C. Rolando, I. Huc
The role of lactam vs. lactim tautomers in 2-(1H)-pyridone catalysis of aromatic nucleophilic substitution
R. Oda*, I. Huc, S. J. Candau
Geminis surfactant, the effect of hydrophobic chain-length and dissymmetry
I. Huc, J.-M. Lehn*
Virtual combinatorial libraries: dynamic generation of molecular and supramolecular diversity by self-assembly
A. Adib, P. F. Potier, S. Doronina, I. Huc, J.-P. Behr*
A High-yield synthesis of deoxy-2-fuoroinosine and its incorporation into oligonucleotides
R. J. Pieters, I. Huc, J. Rebek*, Jr
Passive template effects and active acid-base involvement in catalysis of organic reactions
R. J. Pieters, I. Huc, J. Rebek*, Jr
Reciprocal template effects in bisubstrate systems: a replication cycle
I. Huc, R. J. Pieters, J. Rebek*, Jr
The role of geometrical factors in template effects
R. J. Pieters, I. Huc, J. Rebek*, Jr
Reciprocal template effects in a replication cycle
I. Huc, R. J. Pieters, J. Rebek*, Jr
Intracomplex catalysis of acylation reactions
I. Huc, J. Rebek*, Jr
Molecular Recognition of adenine: role of geometry, electronic effects and rotational restrictions
C. Andreu, R. Beerli, N. Branda, M. Conn, J. de Mendoza, A. Galán, I. Huc, Y. Kato, M. Tymoschenko, C. Valdez, E. Wintner, R. Wyler, J. Rebek*, Jr
Replication and assembly